Examples of use of thermal efficiency
1. The IGCC technology, which converts coal into gas to firepower plants, gives higher thermal efficiency than conventional plants, he added.
2. These include moving ahead faster with the extraction of carbon from coal (with the prospect of a vast market for this technology in China and India); expanding the small–scale generation of electricity, thus doubling thermal efficiency by making use of the waste heat and avoiding transmission losses; and fixing a much larger objective than 5 per cent for the use of biofuels in petrol.
3. June 6 2006 03:00 ×Energy demand patterns will change as summers become hotter, leading to more demand for air conditioning, and winters become milder, reducing demand for heating ×Plant availability may be affected as routine maintenance, currently done in low–demand summer months, is scheduled in periods of higher demand ×Fossil fuel plants, particularly gas turbines, will operate less efficiently as average temperatures increase, because their thermal efficiency is adversely affected by both lower air density and higher temperatures ×Infrastructure may be affected as patterns of subsidence, flooding, icing damage and strong winds change ×Coastal power stations will become more vulnerable to sea–level rise and storm surges ×Cooling systems may be adversely affected by reduced rainfall and the reduction in river and stream flow